
The following testimonials are from some of our valued clients who have achieved exceptional results following the hypnotherapy session or sessions with me.

I highly recommend Joan for a hypnosis session as I’ve had two sessions with her with amazing results.
Firstly I was lacking confidence in public speaking and decided to book a session with Joan. Well Joan was professional, and I felt very relaxed, calm and safe in her presence. After my session my next public speaking event went well without me even getting nervous. I spoke confidently and it’s even rubbed off in everyday life with strangers I meet for the first time.
My second session was to fix my addiction to sugar. Again Joan was very professional and made me feel safe. After the session my sugar cravings went back to normal and that was months ago and they are still normal.
I highly recommend Joan and know you will be very happy with her service and integrity.

Tania, Adelaide Australia .

Meet Joan,
Now before I go ahead and tell you how this lady changed my life let me share with you how meeting Joan came about. Anyone that knows me would know that I have had anxiety for a long time and it is also something that touches my family massively. Between my mum, my brother, and I, we have the market cornered on life with anxiety. My anxiety started at a young age. When my parents divorced I formed some type of separation anxiety. Being so young I didn’t quite understand how to deal with it and just pushed it to the side and hoped that it would go away. Unfortunately, this planted the seed of anxiety and over the years it has grown roots and lodged itself within me. I could be sitting at home on the couch or driving to work in the car and a game show would come on. Say for example I was watching Deal or No Deal. I could watch the whole show up until the very last briefcase and then I’d have to change the channel before they open it. My heart would be racing and my hands would be sweating. I could not bare to watch that last briefcase being opened. For me, it was the fear of the unknown, fear of the future. That’s basically how I lived my life, fearing the unknown.
In April I took a turn for the worse. I pushed the person way that I adored more than anything. I was constantly stressing about the unknown and the future which is enough to make anyone leave. Some days I struggled to get out of bed and others days I would spend walking around like a zombie. I felt alone, I felt like I had no purpose, and quite frankly I couldn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel, I was down to the last straw.   read more…

Amalia, Adelaide Australia .

Hi Joan, just want to say thank you again for my hypnotherapy session. It’s been over a week and I’ve had no anxiety whatsoever! Can’t thank you enough. xx

Deb, Adelaide Australia .

Unstuck’ from the UK
Hi Joan,
Thank you for helping me become unstuck! For as many years as I can remember I’d felt as though I was being held back from making a life for myself by an invisible force field. I know it sounds nuts but it felt like someone or something was holding me down and I couldn’t move freely. At times the feeling was overwhelming and I felt incredibly restricted.
Initially I was sceptical about using hypnosis, especially via Skype. I’m not sure what I expected but it was a great experience that I hope to repeat (hypnosis), I felt so deeply relaxed. The journey you took me on was confusing at the time, I couldn’t quite see the relevance. However, over the next few days I keep having epiphanies! I can’t believe how everything I experienced during the hypnosis session was extremely relevant to the ‘stuck’ feeling I was experiencing. On the second or third day after my session that feeling disappeared. I still can’t quite believe it and I haven’t felt that feeling again, just a great sense of freedom. An added bonus was that I slept so well that night, it was the best nights sleep I’d had in months. You certainly have a gift for this area of work. Thank you so much for helping me, you are a true angel xx

Liz, United Kingdom

I highly recommend this amazing woman, she changed the lives of my 2 adult children. To watch the change in both my children’s lives have been nothing but amazing to watch. Their lives have been changed with a session from Joan. I have been astounded by the difference in both of them to the point where their lives have been enriched with confidence and happiness which have changed both their futures. I cant thank you enough Joan Randell. Keep up the great work and all the best for the future.

Debbie, Adelaide Australia .

It takes a very special person to do amazing work as a therapist and Joan embodies this through and through.

Scott Jansen, Adelaide Australia.

Have you considered Hypnotherapy?
Sharing my experience initially as a skeptic!
I had always wanted to do something about my cravings for sugar, pastries, and desserts and heard that Joan was consulting in Hypnotherapy locally. Not knowing what to expect through a session, Joan chose to focus the session on my greatest addiction – Iced Coffee! Ensuring a safe environment she gradually eased me into a deep state of relaxation. I hope I wasn’t snoring!
Well…, it has now been almost a year since that session and I have not had any iced coffee! In fact, I am not even drawn to it anymore when buying milk at the supermarket or visiting the servo! Thanks so much Joan..
If you have a habit, craving, addiction, or just want to become better at something I highly recommend getting in touch with Joan. It can be life-changing for the better.

Sean, Adelaide Australia.

I can’t thank you enough for helping me. My life has changed so much after only having one session with you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Alex, Adelaide Australia

The world need to know what a gift you have… I was open but unsure. I still refer back to what you taught me in eliminating the negative. I feel more like myself and the whole family has benefited from the wonder of what you did. I am able to cope on a day to day basis, not cured but greatly lessened. I am eternally grateful for your help, It’s been a few months and still going strong… Still not a single panic attack!…  You’re a genius.                                                                                                                   

Kerryn, Melbourne Australia .

Joan made me feel as light as a feather…  I felt myself surrender to her voice as she guided me to the answers I needed…  She helped me eliminate the negativity weighing so heavily on my shoulders and removed my constant fear of not being good enough…  She further helped me reconnect with my core values and re-establish my self-worth…  She made me feel relaxed and safe and I truly believe I can only go onwards and upwards after undergoing one of her sessions…  I cannot recommend Joan enough…  Joan got sent to me at a time where I was so desperate for help I could barely go one day without feeling sad…  After only a few days since my session, I am already noticing changes and the world no longer seems like such a scary place…

Kelsey, Adelaide Australia

For 4 months I have been struggling really badly with relationship OCD… I felt completely lost and hopeless and I was this person I didn’t recognise… After my session with Joan, I immediately felt a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders… After 4 months of obsessively checking the rightness of my relationship, all of it was gone in a few hours… I felt light as a feather and could not find my anxiety or the need to check my feelings like I usually do… She has given me my life back and only a day later I feel like she has provided me with so much release and has freed me… She is absolutely amazing at what she does… This is completely worth it and saved me from an endless cycle…

Shelbey, USA

I came to Joan for hypnosis treatment for extreme anxiety.. My anxiety was at its worst and was there all day, every day which was horrendous to live with and made me impatient, angry, and fed up… Trying to function normally at work and at home was extremely exhausting and took its toll on my body and mental health… Since having the hypnosis from Joan two weeks ago I haven’t had one bit of anxiety since! Nothing at all! I sleep better and the little things don’t bother me anymore… It really was an amazing experience, very comfortable and extremely relaxing, and absolutely worth it… I’d advise anyone to try it because it really has helped me tremendously.

Kylie, Adelaide Australia.

I took the first step and admitted to myself I needed help. Then I took that second step and asked for help. I wasn’t really sure if seeing a hypnotherapist would work but I had to try something… Anything.. I’ve had panic attacks and suffered from anxiety for almost 40 years. Every day is a struggle… Every day it’s hard… I felt like I had no choice and no control… I’m always angry and depressed but anxious and overwhelmed at the same time. I also picked up OCD traits so I became more frustrated… I finally went to see Joan and our session went very well… Straight after I felt very relaxed and comfortable… It was a very calming and rather pleasant feeling. I felt that id found a lot of negativity and stress and buried it elsewhere… I feel great, alive and I haven’t been anxious since… My OCD has also gone out the window. I’m actually smiling again. I have found my voice and I’ve learned that you also have a choice… I can’t thank you enough… You’ve given me my life back… I’m a believer xxx

Cindy, Adelaide Australia.

Being hypnotised by Joan was the most healing and beautiful experiences I’ve ever had. After suffering for 20 years of severe anxiety and panic attacks I feel alive again. If you are suffering let Joan help you. I am so grateful for this feeling that she reminded me I have had it all along. Thank you, Joan.

Hannah, USA

Before going to Joan’s hypnotherapy my mind was clouded with depression and anxiety. Thanks to Joan’s hypnotherapy we were able to work through some underlying issues and along with re-centering my mind and spirit, also releasing energies no longer serving me. I felt comfortable and non-judged. I would highly recommend it. Even if you’re just curious.

Sam, Adelaide Australia.

I am feeling so calm, content, and secure that I don’t know myself at times. It has been so long and painful… I am having to remind myself what it feels like to actually be ok, happy, and laugh. I can watch something or have someone tell me something and I still feel their pain but I don’t get into it or cry like an emotional wreck. My brain is not full of crap anymore, my inner critic is less noticeable and I can think about things in the future and not feel scared or fear. I honestly can’t tell you how much better I feel- I have had some tears but they don’t consume me anymore. I cry, let it out, and then move on. Even writing this makes me realise just how different I feel and how far I’ve come.

Mel, Adelaide Australia.

I’d been anxious and depressed for a while, then I got PTSD. I couldn’t leave the house and was having a bad panic attack. Waking at night really stressed out. I tried to go out but it was horrendous, panicking, and feeling so nervous. Then someone suggested I speak to a hypnotherapist. I was so scared of the unknown but as my daughter said, “You can’t carry on like this. I got in touch with Joan, it was so different from what I expected but what a great experience… I felt so relaxed. I haven’t looked back since. I’m getting stronger every day, getting back to the old me. Thank you so much, Joan, I would definitely recommend this to anyone and I tell all of my friends. They are shocked and can’t believe that in a few weeks what a different person I am.

Julie, United Kingdom

Hi Joan, I just wanted to thank you so much for the session we had yesterday… Recently my anxiety and panic attacks have gotten to a point that I’m unable to control them myself. I have previously used mindfulness and different techniques which used to work fine. I have often thought about hypnotherapy and to be honest, I didn’t really believe it, I was skeptical. I guess that’s from social media and tv shows that make people cluck like a chicken but I must say I felt I had control the whole way through. I felt so relaxed and was aware of everything. I just followed your soothing voice and felt so relaxed, there was honestly nothing to fear. I felt like skipping out of our session like I didn’t have a care in the world, I slept really well too. Today I feel different, it’s hard to explain but I would be more than happy to recommend you and urge anyone who is contemplating giving hypnosis a go to do it. There is no need to suffer by yourself… Onwards and upwards for me Joan. Thanks again, you are a treasure.

Cheryl. Adelaide Australia.

The healing journey is a very personal experience.  Joan assisted me with grace.  I lived with depression on and off for a large portion of my life.  I would find something that would help me move forward for a while but fall back into turmoil again and again.  As soon as I saw Joan’s Facebook page I knew that was what I was looking for.  The journey I went on assisted by Joan was both an emotional and physical one as I felt the pains in my body physically unravel.  Joan truly has a gift.  Things that bothered me before the session hasn’t bothered me since.  I can now look forward to a much brighter future.  Thanks again Joan, much appreciated.

Norma. Adelaide Australia.

I saw Joan at the recommendation of a close friend who had an amazing outcome from her session. I never thought to try an alternative form of therapy but after spending the time with Joan I am incredibly grateful that I did. Joan is extremely gifted, empathetic and a relatable hypnotherapist which adds to the whole process. Before my session I had been feeling lost due to ongoing anxiety, however shortly after, I felt a sense of liberation. I finally feel like I have control of my anxiety and that I was gifted the tools to ensure ongoing improvement. I wouldn’t trust anyone as my hypnotherapist like I do after seeing Joan.

Ryan. Adelaide Australia.

I just wanted to take some time to thank Joan Randell for making a huge difference in my life. I came to her with a few years of depression, PTSD, and anxiety. It paralyzed me at times to the point my quality of life diminished. I lost all the rich colours that made my life worth living. Joan was one of my last hopes that someone could help me to start to move forward. While I was relaxing Joan talked to me and I could see all kinds of warm colours. I felt love and warmth. Within a couple of hours, I felt the darkness lift. I saw a wild rose and a bumblebee. The bee was going about its business, my mind was reworked, rewired if you will. It’s been a couple of days and I’m still feeling great. I can get up and take care of things. I have very mild anxiety but I can control it. It feels so good to “bee” coming who I’m supposed to. I would highly recommend Joan… She is a lifesaver…

Allison. USA.

I have been to see Joan twice now for Hypnotherapy and from what I have experienced it is absolutely amazing. Late last year I was going through a really rough patch in my life so I decided to try hypnotherapy to see if it would help. Straight away I felt so much better, my anxiety wasn’t as bad, fast forward to the middle of this year I decided to go see Joan again to help me with some other things I was struggling with. Since seeing her I have felt better than I have ever felt before. She has helped me so much. I would highly recommend her, she is amazing. Yes, when I first thought of doing this I didn’t believe it would work but I know after getting it done twice I now know that this 100% works and I would recommend it to anyone who is struggling and who needs help. This is a much better experience than having to take medication and Joan is such a lovely person, she always makes you feel safe, welcome, and most importantly she made me feel very comfortable.

Chelsea. South Australia.

Over a year ago I approached Joan in regards to my 16-year-old daughter who was in a really scary dark place with anxiety/ depression… I felt helpless watching her struggles. Doctors wanted to put her on medication so I was desperate to find an alternative as medications can cause even further issues. After researching alternatives and looking at reviews I decided to organise hypnotherapy with Joan. Although skeptical I was desperate to get my daughter help. After 1 session with Joan, my daughter walked out a different person, smiling and positive. Hypnotherapy hasn’t removed all anxiety but over time it has helped tremendously, coping with the pressures of year 11/12 and life in general. My daughter says it’s like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders and she has come so far. My daughter has recently returned to Joan for help with weight loss and has been successful in losing weight already… Can’t wait to see what the future holds. Please try hypnotherapy, it was the best decision we made. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

Kylie. Adelaide Australia.

When I went to Relax Hypnotherapy I was ready to have my life back. After going to have Hypnotherapy I came out feeling lighter, happier, and tired. I had it done on Monday as I went for Anxiety. I can tell you, this was worth every cent. I have had no anxiety and I have slept through the night which I couldn’t do before. I am so glad that I feel better… Thank you, Joan.

Julie. South Australia.

I met Joan 18 months ago for a hypnosis session for anxiety. I had tried other hypnotherapists but they didn’t compare to Joan’s confidence, compassion, genuine determination to help, and the time her session went for! She spent hours until her work was done. I’ve never had anxiety since! It is a very pleasant, peaceful, and comfortable experience that changes lives. I have recently had another session for another struggle and once again the experience was beyond amazing. Joan has a way of creating such a safe friendly space and the after-effects are so energized with self-power and self-confidence for future changes. I’m grateful to have crossed paths with Joan and I recommend her services to anyone wanting to break free of anything self-destructive or anything that holds you back.

Kylie, Adelaide Australia.

Joan is the best therapist for hypnosis. Not only does she work through your struggles but she also takes the time to learn about you and find out what makes you tick. I spent years of my life working through anxiety and trichotillomania with CBT through counselors and psychologists but nothing seemed to work. My last resort was to attempt a session of hypnotherapy. Initially, I was skeptical, I didn’t understand how hypnotherapy worked, and was fixated on the idea that if nothing has worked so far then nothing will ever work and I think I grew to accept that. Words can not even describe the freedom I now feel over my emotions and urges. During the session, I felt like I was meditating but the feeling was much, much deeper. During the session, I felt so light that I felt like I was floating. In my mind, I would visualise myself replacing the pulling behaviour with going to the gym and organising my routine, which were the two things I originally struggled with and added to my self-destructive behaviours. Joan encouraged me to dig deep and find the issues I was struggling with. She gave me tools, wisdom, and kind words that I will keep with me for the rest of my life. After the session, I was super tired and had a three-hour nap to compensate for the exhaustion. After I woke up I was surprised to feel the urge to go to the gym. Then when I came home and relaxed in my room, ( a time where I normally pull), instead I found myself wanting to organise my room. Through Joan, I learned that I have control over myself and my emotions and that I have all the tools I need to cope with anything that life throws my way. You aren’t just a client to her, you are a valued person. Joan also makes an effort to keep in contact with you following your session. I cannot express how this woman has changed my life and I would 100% recommend her to anyone needing some guidance or help. Even if you think you have tried everything, I highly encourage you to reach out to Joan and give it one more go.

Georgia, Adelaide Australia.

Well, what can I say but thank you Joan. I had my session on Wednesday. Thursday I can feel a shift in myself and on Friday I feel like a new person. Those closest to me can see the change. Having had a positive experience with Hypnotherapy 11 years ago, I decided that this could again be my answer, but this time in helping me deal with some past hurts and upsets that were getting me down, making me angry, uptight, and generally unmotivated, flat and miserable. I got a good vibe from Joan when I called to inquire and decided right away that she was the person I was going to see. Joan offered me a warm, welcoming, understanding, and safe environment where I felt comfortable to express all the details I needed to and at complete ease to go through with the hypnosis. I am sad that I only needed the one session, as that means I have no reason to visit with Joan again. She will always have a special place in my heart, I have nothing but gratitude and love for what she has done for me. The mind is so incredibly powerful. My suggestion to anyone contemplating Hypnosis is to go into it with a positive mind, positive that this will help achieve what you want it to. You won’t be disappointed if you try. Enjoy the session and then better, enjoy the results.

Sarah, Adelaide Australia.

I had a session with Joan on the weekend. I can honestly say I feel amazing! I have been carrying a lot of anger, resentment, and sadness to the point it felt like a ball of fire in my chest. With Joan’s guidance, I have let go of the sadness and the anger. I feel calm and finally at peace with myself. Thank you so much, Joan. What a wonderful experience.

Trish, Adelaide Australia.

I contacted Joan after suffering from lacking in confidence and wanting acceptance, stemming from childhood issues and relationship breakups. After a consultation with Joan and in one session of hypnotherapy, it feels like I’ve been reset and am now free to move on with my life. I’m now having the feeling of being more confident about myself and also liking myself. Also now able to take acceptance of certain situations without overthinking things to the point I now feel free of worry. Thanks, Joan, keep up the good work.

Mike, United Kingdom.

I had a session with Joan for the pain I was experiencing in my body which had flared up recently. Joan held such a caring, loving space where I was able to let go of so much pain and resentment that I was holding onto in my body. I now feel so much more relaxed, lighter, and less stressed. Joan has such a calming voice and I felt completely safe and relaxed in her presence. I can’t thank you enough for what you have helped me with. Thank you, Joan.

Belinda, Brisbane Australia.

For anyone who is on the fence about receiving hypnotherapy, I can honestly say, as someone who myself was skeptical, that it’s likely not what you think it is. I decided to listen to Joan, hear her out and opted to give it all a chance. I will say, I was highly surprised. Not only did it work, but I am a believer myself. Joan has helped me with something that seems so simple, but so hard for us to accomplish on our own. The mind is a powerful thing, and what Joan does… Or did for me at least, was open it to seeing things from a different perspective. I know it sounds easy to most, but if you are someone who was stuck the way I have been for the last seven years, I promise you that it is difficult for some. I was sitting comfortably in my own home, in a place where I was made to feel safe and I wasn’t pressured into saying or doing anything I didn’t want. Joan was very professional, very caring, and gave her undivided attention fully to me. I haven’t quite conquered the world just yet, but I am no longer afraid of it in the ways I have been before. Since speaking with Joan, I feel more relaxed and much more confident in my own abilities to keep my mind on the right track. She has given me back the tools to carry on my practice on my own from here on out, and I plan to fully utilize the tools I was given.

Jason USA

Joan, you are amazing! I was in a complete mess when I came to see you. 2 days later I’m feeling happy, confident, and ever so grateful. I can’t really remember what my problem was. You really are a superstar and I will be highly recommending you to everyone! Thank you again.

Claire. The United Kingdom.

Before I had my hypnosis session with Joan, I was always skeptical of hypnosis in general. I tend to be an anxious person and have always felt like I didn’t have much control over how to manage my anxiety. I’ve also had problems with family interactions at home and wanted to develop ways to better respond to difficult situations. After having completed my sessions with Joan, I now feel much more confident about how to handle my anxiety, depression, and family issues.

Jennie. USA

I had a session with Joan as I have been having trouble with my eyes and vision which was making me feel very anxious. I had these two small round balls that I could feel under my eyelids that were interfering with my vision. During the session I felt so much activity in my eyes, it felt like they were physically being healed and cleaned. I cannot feel the two small round balls now, they have completely disappeared and my vision is much clearer. Thank you so much, Joan, I can’t begin to explain how amazing this session was and how much it has helped me. Thank you.

Bel. Queensland Australia.

I had a wonderful session with Joan today because I was feeling confused about the direction I wanted to take my business, this was causing me to feel very anxious and nervous as I have been going around in circles for so long and this was blocking me from moving forward. In the session, Joan showed me how to identify the thing that was blocking me and why that was there and helped me to remove the block so that I could see a clear way forward and see the things I most wanted to do. I feel so relieved and energized, now I am confident in where I am headed. Joan has a wonderful way of making a person feel safe and cared for. Thank you Joan for this amazing experience.

Stephanie. Brisbane, Australia

I had a session with Joan because I was struggling with allowing myself to move forward. I would procrastinate at any given opportunity. It was making me feel stressed and anxious. Joan helped me see that I had the belief that I wasn’t allowed to be successful due to things that had happened in my past, and that was the reason I was holding myself back. Fear of it happening again. Now I feel free to move without the stress and anxiety and the feeling I had inside. Thank you again Joan for all of your help.

Trudy. The United Kingdom.

I don’t know really where to start, I was a lady bound by chains. Having tried everything for the past 58 years, Joan was my last resort. Joan was just so kind and caring. I felt safe with her and she was holding my hand, I felt it, even though it was on Zoom. The traumas I’ve seen, the blaming of others for where I have been for 53 years were released with Joan’s encouragement was amazing. The most amazing thing I achieved through trusting Joan. Anxiety was my best friend, she was always there for me, loved me, and never ever abandoned me. I could always count on her, even though every day was hell. If I felt calm which was rare, I was looking for her. Today is the start of my new life. To you Joan, thank you will never be enough for you from me. You helped me get to the bottom of it all. If anyone reads this and has been suffering, please do not let it get to the extent mine did, give Joan a ring, trust in her, and go for it. Today my life has turned around and I have plenty on my bucket list I’ve never done but am going to do without hesitation, instead of the what-ifs and anxiety. To Joan, you are an amazing, kind, compassionate lady, who showed me if you learn to trust and do what is asked the chains are broken.

Diane. Sydney Australia.

I chose to book a session with Joan as I was feeling anxious in particular situations on a daily basis. I had read the testimonials on Joan’s website and felt that I had to try this. I felt very nervous before the session as I was unsure of what to expect but I felt safe and had trust in Joan and her abilities. The journey that I went on during the session was amazing. It was an emotional journey however, I felt calm and had some very real lightbulb moments. Since the session, I now feel more relaxed and those moments of anxiousness during particular situations no longer exist. I wish I had booked in earlier for a session with Joan and not left it so long. Thank you, Joan.

Deb. Adelaide Australia.

As a widely trained hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, I’m very selective in who I choose for my own treatment. After struggling with some emotional issues recently, (following a serious cancer diagnosis), I chose to see my friend and colleague Joan, to address and release what no longer serves me in order to assist my body in its own healing. Joan is brilliant at knowing how ‘to find the problem’ in the deeper mind, and then guide you in nurturing yourself into healing it. I recommend Joan to all my friends, and if you have a stage 4 cancer diagnosis like me, please, do yourself a favour and see Joan to release all fear and anxiety that goes with it and allow yourself to begin the healing process.

Michelle. Adelaide, Australia.

Joan, you have done it again. This isn’t the first time I have seen Joan for Hypnotherapy. In the past, I have had hypnotherapy to help me with my anxiety. My anxiety was at a cripling point and with one Hypnotherapy session I have noticed a huge improvement in my life completely. Over the past couple of years, I have been dealing with some childhood trauma that almost became unbearable. I reached out to Joan again for a Hypnotherapy session after so much success the first time. I have since moved to Brisbane so was a bit skeptical about having a session via Skype. However, it completely blew me away. I found the experience so much more relaxing as I was able to cosy up on my bed in the comfort of my own home. It truly felt like a completely different experience than the first time and I loved it. Since the session, I have been feeling so much lighter, and almost like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’m happy and have a clear vision for the future. Joan, I feel you have saved me time and time again. You truly are gifted.

Amalia. Brisbane, Australia.

Wow, where to begin is the question. Joan has left me at a loss for words for the transformation that has occurred within myself. Now, I wouldn’t say that I was a skeptic as I have done my research and I know the power that hypnosis can have on one’s mind and state of being. How this was going to feel though… I had no idea. I have suffered from insecurities, feelings of unworthiness, and trust issues for as long as I can remember. I have spoken with and seen psychologists and psychiatrists and been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and suspected OCD. I have known for a very long time that something needed to change and I have tried so hard to feel better, to feel worthy to feel a sense of freedom in my life, again without any luck, but Joan helped me find exactly that. She bought me to the deepest parts of my mind where I was able to make peace with previous traumatic events and versions of myself that I was holding on to. She made me feel so safe as if I was talking to a friend that I had known for years. I feel like I’ve gotten myself back, the confident, vibrant, strong young woman that I have always been but that I had previously lost in the dark. Thank you for helping me turn the light back on Joan. I will feel forever indebted to you. You have made me feel me again, and that is priceless.

Lucy, Adelaide, Australia

Joan’s the best in the business, the way she coached me throughout the whole process was therapeutic in itself. I can honestly say I’ve got a new perspective on how I control my emotions/ feelings now thanks to her. I would definitely recommend to everyone.

Daniel, Adelaide Australia.

I decided to book an appointment with Joan as I was feeling stuck, I had lost my confidence, and was experiencing anxiety and sometimes PTSD, there were things that triggered me and left me frozen with inaction. Post-pandemic and I was still living like it was dangerous to leave home. I connected with Joan and instantly realised she is a professional – I really liked her kind and calm manner in the initial interview and her presence in the session itself. Joan makes you feel safe and secure at all times, during and after the appointment and has processes to evaluate how successful the outcome has been for you. On completion you feel different- for me, I was able to see the results instantly, and while it has only been a few days since I know that a significant change has occurred and I am excited to see it unfold as the work processes. If you have ever wondered or not been sure if this type of “thing” is right for you- I highly recommend that you put your caution aside and embrace the opportunity – You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Each of us is on a journey- Some of us are fortunate to be blessed with wisdom from our life experiences.- If you are feeling stuck or the wheels are not turning how you think they should, then book an appointment with Joan. Allow her wisdom to work for you and she will guide you to a new perspective. She also gives you tools to be empowered for your new journey.

Jane, Queensland Australia.

I just want to say a big thank you, Joan. I am feeling so much better since my session with you. Plus another big thank you for giving me a tool to use on my own when I feel I need a little support, it’s been a life changer. As you know this was my second session with you, the first session I had with you was a few years ago to deal with a ‘stuck’ feeling I had experienced for years. This was a horrid feeling that kept me from moving forward with my life and after our session, I felt totally free and have never experienced that ‘stuck’ feeling again. So it made sense to seek your help again after the sad loss of my Mum on Christmas day. Not only was I devastated at losing my Mum, but her passing also dredged up all sorts of unresolved emotions that I really thought I had dealt with during the years of counseling I have had. The emotions I felt manifested in very real symptoms, my face was covered in psoriasis, and the irritable bowel I suffer from on occasion was very angry and irritated my bladder. I was experiencing dreadful anxiety and panic attacks and just couldn’t see a way forward. During the session, as in the session before, I felt deeply relaxed, it was a lovely feeling and I was still aware of everything going on. When we got to the bottom of why I was feeling like I did, I was so surprised to learn that I still suffered from low self-esteem, I didn’t like or accept myself, that worthless belief, and the hate I felt for myself was still there and making me physically ill. During my session with you I can truly say I had a breakthrough moment, I Am Enough! The guilt, along with the harsh judgment I have always given myself since forever, has gone. Now I value ‘me’, and realise that meeting my needs is really important and not me being selfish. This realisation has been so empowering, I feel strong and able to deal with everything to do with my Mums estate which is really complex. The skin on my face is healing, my irritable bowel and bladder symptoms are calmer, the anxiety has gone and my panic attacks have stopped. I won’t lie, I have had a couple of wobbles, however, on each of these occasions I have used a tool you shared with me. It’s worked, making me feel calmer and stronger than ever. Joan, I can’t thank you enough, with your help I have unlocked the part of me that is able to love myself. I now know that I am and have always been enough, I just didn’t realise it.

Liz. United Kingdom.

I recently had a hypnotherapy session with Joan. I was suffering from bad anxiety and hated mixing with people I didn’t know. Unfortunately, the lockdown had made it worse. So I booked a session 2 weeks ago and the results have been amazing so far. Joan made me feel relaxed and at ease throughout the session and also taught me self-hypnosis on how to cope with my anxiety. Since the session, I have gained more confidence in myself in only 2 weeks. I am going on an evening out this weekend, the first time in years. A big thank you Joan for getting the ‘old me’ back.

Donna. United Kingdom.

I have suffered horrible claustrophobia all my life, I am 63, couldn’t shut doors, couldn’t go in lifts or crowded places, get off trains/buses if they were full, having panic attacks weekly. Had to have an MRI done, 3 months, and 15 failed attempts. Looked into Hypnotherapy and I found Joan Randell on the internet. I rang her and she made me feel at ease from the get-go, so I booked in for a session. Joan made me feel very comfortable and at ease. I would highly recommend Joan to you all, and my friends. Since having the therapy, my husband can come to bed with no beanie and 4 blankets as I always had to have the fan going with windows open, even when it’s -1 degrees. I can now sleep with the windows and doors shut. Today I went for appointment 16 for the MRI, I am speechless. I had no problem and no panic attacks, I felt very relaxed and nearly fell asleep. Joan, thank you, words can’t relay how I am feeling, and thank you for helping me understand. I made the fear many years ago and today is a new beginning for me. Joan showed me how to stay in control. No more panic attacks, just wish I did this years ago. Ps, anyone want a free fan?

Marinda. South Australia.

I just wanted to share a positive experience I had recently with the wonderful conversational Hypnotherapist, Joan Randell. In the past, I have always been able to practice mindfulness and deal with the normal day-to-day struggles that we can all have. However in the last couple of years after experiencing significant grief and loss, life had caught up with me. I had lost the ability to live in the moment, I could feel myself falling behind in life- procrastination, no sense of calm, midnight anxiety, stuck on a treadmill… After one session with Joan, (via Zoom), I came away feeling much lighter and clearer within myself. I felt safe and supported during my session and her follow-up in the days after our session was much appreciated. Her talent in tapping into the subconscious through conversation is really quite thought-provoking and I have found that in the days after the session, small light-bulb moments continue to unravel. Thank you, Joan.

Janine. South Australia.

I had a session with Joan today, it was such an empowering, powerful experience. I felt so much lighter and excited about kicking anxiety to the curb and taking back my power. Thank you Joan for an amazing experience that I will treasure.

Giuliana South Australia

Joan made me feel very comfortable from the very first phone call. When I met with Joan I felt relaxed and able to open up freely to share why I sought hypnotherapy. I have suffered anxiety since my early 20s and now in my 40s, with children all grown up I cannot help the overwhelming need to feel free of these feelings. I had a session with Joan and straight after, I felt a sense of ease over me that I had not felt for a very long time. I feel as though a weight had been lifted off me and that I had shed the old me. The days following I felt more and more relaxed and anxiety-free, free in the sense that worry is not overwhelming or consuming me now. If you are not sure, or sitting on the fence and asking if this can help you, please don’t wait 20 years like I did. I highly recommend Joan!

Rebecca. South Australia.

What an amazing service and person Joan is. I would highly recommend her service. I reached out to Joan after reading her services and blogs on her website and with a quick response through email and phone conversation I knew she was genuine in her care and I had found someone who could genuinely help me. Her knowledge and experience and caring supportive nature immediately made me feel at ease and that there was a way out of the feelings I was experiencing. She not only offered some environmental changes I could implement independently and quickly which also made a difference but her promptness in booking a session with me, which helped me get through the days leading up to my session with Joan. After having some pretty difficult days and moments Joan made me aware that I had the tools to get out of the darkness I was in and took me through a very powerful process of positivity and self-help and care which I have implemented and really turned my thinking around for the better. I would highly recommend Joan if you are experiencing feelings of doubt or negativity to yourself. Not only has she flipped my thinking but she sincerely made me understand that I am not alone and I am not any different to anyone else experiencing life challenges. Thank you Joan you really made a huge difference.

Paul. South Australia.

I have suffered from anxiety and overthinking for too long. I have always thought about having hypnotherapy. I googled and found Joan who only lived 10 minutes from me. Joan was very comforting and reassuring, I left feeling so calm and relaxed, like having a long nap. Each day gets better and better and I am so grateful for finding her. You can tell her absolutely anything and I mean anything. So what are you waiting for, start living your life again now!

Stephanie. South Australia.

Hi Joan, thank you so much, I have always struggled with my weight but I now feel you have given me the tools to succeed, our session was amazing. I felt safe and to be honest I wasn’t sure if I could be hypnotized, you have helped me deal with the issues that have been blocking my success. I now feel in control as to date which has only been a week I have lost 3 kgs and I don’t crave the bad stuff anymore, so thank you again Joan you are Amazing x

Helen. South Australia.

Can’t recommend Joan and her hypnotherapy highly enough! I was always very anxious, leading up to and during certain social situations. I would be a wreck. My stomach would feel sick with anxiety and I’d pace around. Unable to sit and relax and enjoy the occasion. Since my hypnotherapy session just over a week ago, I have had 2 situations I would’ve normally been anxious about but I was fine. Especially today!! I had no anxiety leading up to the occasion and I had the best day, sitting down, and relaxing with everyone else. Not one bit of an anxious tummy!!! Wooo hooo!! Thanks so much, Joan you’re amazing!!

Julie. South Australia.

Joan was great, very professional and I felt comfortable with the whole experience. For me, I got an immediate response to the hypnotherapy and I can’t recommend her enough. Like a lot of people, I had my doubts but after a 30-minute free phone consult I was confident enough to go ahead and make the appointment, and I’m so glad I did. Life changing.

Steve. South Australia.

From my very first conversation with Joan, I felt nothing but comfortable. I had lost myself, giving too much to the wrong side of my work/life balance, a spectator in the part of my life that mattered the most to me. I had lost my passion. I took up Joan’s offer of a free 30-minute consultation and followed this up with our session a few days later. Joan is both Professional and personable. I felt safe and completely relaxed even though we were discussing topics that I know cause me extremely high levels of stress. I finished the session feeling clear-headed, energised, and in awe of Joan’s ability. I cannot recommend Joan highly enough. We all owe it to ourselves to live our best lives, but sometimes we just get a little lost along the way. Will this one session be all I feel I require – who knows! If I do feel I need help again will I contact Joan – without hesitation!

Jo. South Australia.

It has been almost 2 weeks since my session and I just wanted to let you know some of the changes that have happened. I am sleeping better than I have in years, have more energy (even lost 3kgs), and feel excited about every day. I am handling stress better, a tic I had apparently, developed when stressed has now disappeared, but most amazing is that I have not used my Asthma medication since our session…..I can Breathe!! I cannot thank you enough for the difference you have made in my life and will be forever grateful.

Jo. South Australia

I found Joan to be warm, friendly, and easy to talk to. Joan helped me to address suppressed emotions from my past, that had only recently resurfaced and that I had carried with me for a very long time. As a result of my session with Joan, I feel lighter & more confident. I now have the tools of self-hypnosis to help me move forward. I’m looking forward to becoming a better version of myself. Thank you, Joan, It was a pleasure meeting you.

Lynn. South Australia.